Commercial Coverage

Auto Dealers

Insurance For Automotive Dealerships

Let’s find the right mix of insurance solutions to get your dealership covered.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Automotive Dealerships
  • Boat Dealerships
  • Equipment Dealerships
  • Motorcycle Dealerships
  • Trailer Dealerships Recreational
  • Vehicle Dealerships
  • Business Interruption Insurance
  • Business Owners Policy
  • Commercial Property Insurance
  • Employment Practices Liability (EPLI)
  • Errors & Omissions
  • General Liability Insurance
  • Workers’ Compensation
  • Cost of your vehicles
  • Number of vehicles on your lot
  • Number of employees
  • Property age and size
  • Services you offer
We have years of experience working with auto dealers of all shapes and sizes. This experience places us in a unique position to understand the risks associated with your lot, and recommend coverage options.

How It Works

We understand that clients have diverse needs. Our strength lies in our ability to consistently provide custom solutions and project management to help guide businesses to make smart insurance decisions. Get covered in just four easy steps!

1. Discuss Your Needs

2. Obtain Partner Quotes

3. Review Your Options

4. Bind Your Coverage

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