Liberty: The Preferred Insurance for Dentists

Gustavo Ruano, CIC, CLCS, CISR

Partner, CA License #0D30055

Want to learn more about our coverages we have for this field?

Dental Insurance Options

Running a dental office can be demanding, and it’s a constant challenge for owners to deliver exceptional care while
maintaining profitability.

That’s where we come in at Liberty!

These challenges are magnified when you consider that dentists also need to balance risks related to property damage, patient complaints, disability, employee issues and protecting patient information.

Professional Liability


Professional Liability Insurance

Protects professionals from financial loss due to claims of negligence, errors, or omissions in the performance of their professional services.

Business Owners Insurance


Business Owners Insurance

Offers businesses protection against third-party claims for bodily injury, property damage, and other related liabilities, helping cover legal expenses and potential settlements.

Employment Practices Liability


Employment Practices Liability

Whether you’re a business owner, a director or officer, or a human resources professional, these insurance solutions play a pivotal role in safeguarding against the financial implications of professional mistakes, leadership decisions, and employment-related disputes.

Workers' Compensation


Workers' Compensation

Provides financial and medical benefits to employees who suffer work-related injuries or illnesses, covering medical expenses and lost wages while protecting employers from potential lawsuits related to workplace injuries.

Cyber Liability


Cyber Liability Insurance

With our Cyber Liability Insurance, we provide a range of customized coverages tailored to address the specific needs of your clients. Our offerings encompass first-party coverages, including data breach response, crisis management, and digital asset restoration.

Disability & Business Overhead


Disability & Business Overhead

Disability as a dentist doesn’t have to be a debilitating injury. All it takes are problems with your hands that prevent you from working. Disability Insurance & Business Overhead Insurance provides coverage when you are disabled. Disability pays an allotted amount of money per month while Business Overhead would cover various business expenses.
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Professional Liability

Dental offices need to guard against mistakes made by dentists and hygienists, such as errors in procedures or not correctly identifying and treating issues. These mistakes can lead to pain or problems for patients and may result in expensive legal claims against the practice.

Professional Liability insurance:

  • Mitigates Risks: Professional liability covers errors in dental procedures and diagnostic mistakes.
  • Prevents Financial Loss: Protects against costly malpractice claims resulting from adverse outcomes like pain or disfigurement.
  • Offers Protection for Increased Exposure in Teaching Clinics: Risk is higher where less experienced practitioners are involved.
  • Is a Universal Necessity: All dental offices, regardless of size or specialty, face these liabilities.

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