Justin Smith | Scaling Family Businesses

Why do M&A Masters love the lower middle market? You get the opportunity to aggressively scale family businesses… In this episode, I’m joined by Justin Smith of LongWater Opportunities, a private equity firm based in the Midwest. Justin’s firm has firsthand experience growing family businesses, and he’s here to share his expertise.

Case Studies: TLPE and Multiple Sellers

In this series on the protection offered by Transaction Liability Private Enterprise (TLPE) insurance to small- and medium-sized business owners who are selling their companies, I’ve written about how it is especially useful in M&A transactions involving tech companies, as well as so-called “indifferent buyers.”  

Case Studies: TLPE and Indifferent Buyers

You’re a small to medium-sized business about to be acquired by a much larger Strategic Buyer. You want some measure of protection during the transaction, and you’d prefer not to let a large portion of the sale proceeds sit in escrow for years in case some or all of it could potentially be clawed back […]

Case Studies: TLPE Insurance and Tech Companies

There is a new R&W product taking the lower middle market M&A world by storm: Transaction Liability Private Enterprise (TLPE). TLPE insurance is designed to fit a blind spot in deals that Buy-Side R&W policies won’t cover, specifically deals ranging from $1M to now $30M in enterprise value. Historically, these deals have been ineligible for […]