Crew Cover Archives - The Liberty Company

Crew Cover: Affordable Insurance for Independent Videographers

As independent contractor videographers working in the dynamic and fast-paced film production and event industries, finding affordable and comprehensive insurance coverage can be a challenging task. Limited options, budget constraints, and complex application processes often stand in the way. However, there’s a reliable solution: Crew Cover Solutions – offering tailored and affordable protection exclusively designed


Affordable Insurance for Independent Contractor Sound Engineers: Discover the Crew Cover Program

As an independent contractor working as a sound engineer, you’re no stranger to the challenges of finding affordable and comprehensive insurance coverage. Limited options, high costs, and complex application processes can often make it feel like an uphill battle. But there’s a solution that understands your unique needs: the Crew Cover Insurance Program. The Challenge


Crew Cover: Affordable Insurance for 1099 Lighting Engineers

As a 1099 lighting engineer, you know that finding affordable and comprehensive insurance coverage can be a challenge. You may have faced limited options, cost constraints, and complex application processes. But there is a solution that can help: Crew Cover Insurance Program. Endorsed by the Event Safety Alliance (ESA), Crew Cover is designed specifically for


1099 Employees Working in Live Events: Why You Need Crew Cover Insurance

In the dynamic and fast-paced world of live events, ensuring the safety and well-being of crew members is crucial. With the inherent risks associated with audio/visual, power, stage/set construction, general crew, and various other roles, it becomes essential to have reliable insurance coverage. Fortunately, there is a crew cover program designed specifically for 1099 employees