Remember to Do Your JOB


Hi all,

Just a quick reminder to do your JOB today!

JOB = Joy Of Being:

  • Put yourself in a good and joyful state of being and do your best to maintain that throughout the day
  • Share those good feelings with others (compliment, appreciate, help, give service, mentor, inspire, practice gratitude, kindness, caring, teamwork etc.)
  • As a result, feel generally happy and go about your day doing good work from that place

Remember, the purpose of life is to be happy!

Wishing everyone a great day!

Bill J.

Tim Mooney
For 22 years, Tim has specialized in alternative risk financing for workers’ compensation and liability insurance programs with unmatched brokerage services.
Clint Tripodi

Clint has 25+ years of success in HR & Operations consulting with 450+ global high-tech companies.

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