Trends to Look Out for in the M&A Insurance Market in 2022

If you thought M&A activity would slow in 2022 after the record year in 2021…think again. Market watchers see current levels continuing through at least the first half of next year. As you know, an increase in M&A activity equals more demand for R&W insurance. And that means you should expect to see many of […]

Lorraine Wilson | Novata: Your On-ramp for the ESG Data Evolution

On this week’s episode of M&A Masters, we speak with Lorraine Wilson, Chief Impact Officer and Head of ESG Methodology at Novata. Novota’s mission is to empower general partners in the private market to collect, analyze, and report relevant ESG data. Lorraine says, “ESG is evolving. Novata offers a standard process for analysis… using metrics […]

Kresimir Peharda | Cannabis: Advice for First-Time M&A Buyers in the Market

On this week’s episode of M&A Masters, we speak with Kresimir Peharda, corporate and M&A attorney with YK Law. Kresimir is the Chair of the firm’s Cannabis Practice. As federal legalization inches ever closer, we invited him on the show to discuss the ins and outs and the rise of M&A in the world of […]

A Few Thoughts on the Current Situation

I wanted to send a note of appreciation to everyone who has been pulling together with such great attitudes and showing our core during this challenging time.

Getting to Joy

I often like to remind people to remember to do their JOB each day, which stands for Joy of Being. But the question remains, how do you get to joy?

Michael Kornman | Navigating M&A Deals with Founders and Family-Owned Businesses

On this week’s episode of M&A Masters, we speak with Michael Kornman of NCK Capital. NCK Capital acquires controlling interests in lower-middle market companies and takes them to the next level with “right-fit” capital structures, inspiring management incentives, and nurturing support. Michael says, “We love the lower middle market. It’s a great place to build […]

Remember to Do Your JOB

Just a quick reminder to do your JOB today! JOB = Joy Of Being. Just follow these three easy steps.