As founder of Rubicon M&A Insurance Services, Patrick’s practice involves harnessing niche insurance tools to empower Sellers of Lower Middle Market companies to secure a clean exit from their M&A transactions faster, and with significantly more cash at closing. This keen focus in the M&A space has earned Patrick the title “Champion of the Clean Exit”. Patrick has spent all 29 years of his career in the Insurance Brokerage community.
In 2021, Patrick brought his M&A practice to Liberty Company Insurance Brokers, a national platform of highly respected professionals to deliver the broadest array of coverage solutions to the Lower Middle Market. Patrick is a prolific producer of M&A insurance content and is the host of “M&A Masters Podcast” where he speaks with the leading experts in mergers and acquisitions.
The phrase “crossing the Rubicon” represents passing the point of no return. In other words, once you’ve chosen a course of action, you are committed to that action come hell or highwater. There is no turning back.
That has always resonated with me, which is why I chose Rubicon as the name of my company back in 2000. I have the same philosophy today, but now my pursuit of excellence on behalf of my clients will continue under a new name.
In 2021, I entered into an agreement with Liberty Company Insurance Brokers to be able to deliver my M&A services to a broader segment of the business community on a national platform.
Now, I’m officially adopting the name of my parent company and will hereby be operating under the Liberty name.
It’s quite fitting. Liberty means freedom. In the context of insurance, Liberty means freedom from worry. Worry about risk, about loss, about the “unknown.”
Throughout history, insurance has been THE hedge against risk that allows entrepreneurs to boldly go forward with their ventures. They’ve been able to do so because they have peace of mind that a large portion of their risk has been transferred to an entity with far deeper pockets: an insurance company.
This ties in perfectly with my mission as an insurance broker to serve the entrepreneurs and founders of businesses who, in most cases, created tremendous value where nothing existed before.
Their hard work and sacrifices are about to pay off through the sale of their company. It is a time of excitement, but also fear due to the high risks that come with multi-million transactions.
I am privileged that I can take away that risk and provide owners and founders the ability to complete their life-changing milestone faster, easier and safer. Essentially, I work to give owners and founders a “clean exit.”
That’s freedom. That’s Liberty.
Again, I’m proud to announce the rebranding of Rubicon M&A Insurance Services to Liberty Company Insurance Brokers.
I’m looking forward to working with you on your next venture and providing you with peace of mind.